
Typical mushrooms are the fruit bodies of members of the order  Agaricales , whose  type genus  is  Agaricus  and type species is the field mushroom,  Agaricus campestris . However in modern  molecularly  defined  classifications , not all members of the order Agaricales produce mushroom fruit bodies, and many other gilled fungi, collectively called mushrooms, occur in other orders of the class  Agaricomycetes . For example,  chanterelles  are in the  Cantharellales , false chanterelles such as  Gomphus  are in the  Gomphales ,  milk-cap  mushrooms ( Lactarius ,  Lactifluus ) and russulas ( Russula ), as well as  Lentinellus , are in the  Russulales , while the tough, leathery genera  Lentinus  and  Panus  are among the  Polyporales , but  Neolentinus  is in the  Gloeophyllales , and the little pin-mushroom genus,  Rickenella , along with similar genera, are in the  Hymenochaetales . Within the main body of mushrooms, in the Agaricales, are common fungi like the common  fairy-ring mush
     Many species of mushrooms seemingly appear overnight, growing or expanding rapidly. This phenomenon is the source of several common expressions in the  English language  including "to mushroom" or "mushrooming" (expanding rapidly in size or scope) and "to pop up like a mushroom" (to appear unexpectedly and quickly). In reality, all species of mushrooms take several days to form primordial mushroom fruit bodies, though they do expand rapidly by the absorption of fluids. [14] [15] [16] [17]      The  cultivated mushroom , as well as the common  field mushroom , initially form a minute  fruiting body , referred to as the pin stage because of their small size. Slightly expanded, they are called buttons, once again because of the relative size and shape. Once such stages are formed, the mushroom can rapidly pull in water from its  mycelium  and expand, mainly by inflating preformed  cells  that took several days to form in the  primordia . [ citation neede
     A  mushroom  or  toadstool  is the fleshy,  spore -bearing  fruiting body  of a  fungus , typically produced above ground, on soil, or on its  food  source.  Toadstool  generally denotes one poisonous to humans. [1]      The standard for the name "mushroom" is the cultivated white button mushroom,  Agaricus bisporus ; hence the word "mushroom" is most often applied to those fungi ( Basidiomycota ,  Agaricomycetes ) that have a stem ( stipe ), a cap ( pileus ), and gills (lamellae, sing.  lamella ) on the underside of the cap. "Mushroom" also describes a variety of other gilled fungi, with or without stems, therefore the term is used to describe the fleshy fruiting bodies of some  Ascomycota . The gills produce microscopic  spores  which help the fungus spread across the ground or its occupant surface.      Forms deviating from the standard  morphology  usually have more specific names, such as " bolete ", " puffball ", " stink